Visionary API (0.1.12)
Download OpenAPI specification:Download
Visionary es una API que permite a los usuarios enviar imágenes y obtener una descripción de las mismas usando modelos de lenguaje avanzados.
El objetivo de esta API, es permitir leer documentos no estructurados, como imágenes, y convertirlos en texto estructurado, para que puedan ser utilizados en otros sistemas.
- Address Proof: Documentos de identificación que contienen información de dirección.
- Bank Statement: Estados de cuenta bancarios.
- Carta Libranza: Cartas de libranza.
- CIF: Constancias de identificación fiscal.
- CURP: Clave Única de Registro de Población.
- FM: Formato Migratorio 2 y 3.
- NSS: Documento y tarjeta de Seguro Social.
- PASSPORT: Pasaportes.
Esta API requiere un API key para ser utilizada. Pasa la API key en el header Rem-Apikey
Para más información, visita la documentación.
Extract information from an address proof image
Endpoint to extract information from an address proof image
Request Body schema: multipart/form-data
file required | string <binary> (File) |
Password (string) or Password (null) (Password) |
Response samples
- 200
- 422
- 500
{- "message": "Address proof OCR completed",
- "data": {
- "name": "Juan Perez",
- "issued_by": "CFE",
- "date": "2023-01-01",
- "likely_recent": true,
- "address": {
- "street": "Avenida Reforma",
- "ext_num": "1234",
- "int_num": "apt 123",
- "neighborhood": "Colonia Centro",
- "municipality": "Delegación Cuauhtémoc",
- "state": "Estado de México",
- "country": "México",
- "postal_code": "06000"
Extract bank statement information from an image or PDF file.
Endpoint to extract information from a bank statement image
query Parameters
validate_rfc | boolean (Validate Rfc) Default: false |
Request Body schema: multipart/form-data
file required | string <binary> (File) |
Password (string) or Password (null) (Password) |
Response samples
- 200
- 422
- 500
{- "message": "Bank statement information extracted",
- "data": {
- "name": "Juan Perez",
- "entity": "CFE",
- "rfc_person": "ABCD123456AB0",
- "rfc_entity": "ABCD123456AB0",
- "date_start": "2023-01-01",
- "date_end": "2023-01-31",
- "account_number": "1234567890",
- "clabe": "123456789012345678",
- "average_amount": 1234.56,
- "total_amount": 12345.67,
- "person_rfc_valid": true,
- "person_rfc_status": "Valid"
Extract information from a CURP image or PDF file
Endpoint to extract information from a CURP image
query Parameters
validate_curp | boolean (Validate Curp) Default: false |
Request Body schema: multipart/form-data
file required | string <binary> (File) |
Password (string) or Password (null) (Password) |
Response samples
- 200
- 422
- 500
{- "message": "CURP OCR completed",
- "data": {
- "full_name": "JUAN PEREZ HERNANDEZ",
- "curp": "PEHJ950101HDFRRL09",
- "birthdate": "1995-01-01",
- "state_of_birth": "DF",
- "state_of_registration": "Distrito Federal",
- "asociated_curps": [
- "PERJ900101HDFXXX01",
- "HUCA900101HDFXXX01"
], - "qr_found": true,
- "qr_valid": true,
- "curp_valid": true,
- "curp_response": {
- "curp": "PERJ900101HDFXXX01",
- "valid": true,
- "name": "JUAN",
- "first_last_name": "PÉREZ",
- "second_last_name": "GARCÍA",
- "birth_date": "1990-01-01",
- "gender": "H",
- "nationality": "MEX",
- "birth_federal_entity": "DF",
- "provatory_document": "Acta de Nacimiento"
Extract information from a CIF image
Endpoint to extract information from a CIF image
query Parameters
validate_rfc | boolean (Validate Rfc) Default: false |
Request Body schema: multipart/form-data
file required | string <binary> (File) |
Password (string) or Password (null) (Password) |
Response samples
- 200
- 422
- 500
{- "message": "CIF OCR completed",
- "data": {
- "cif": {
- "full_name": "John Doe",
- "rfc": "ABCD123456EFG",
- "id": "1234567890"
}, - "identification_data": {
- "curp": "ABCD123456EFG",
- "name": "John",
- "first_lastname": "Doe",
- "second_lastname": "Smith",
- "birthdate": "2023-01-01",
- "start_date": "2023-01-01",
- "situation": "ACTIVO",
- "situation_last_update": "2023-01-01"
}, - "fiscal_address": {
- "street": "Av. Benito Juárez",
- "ext_num": "1000",
- "int_num": "Apto 123",
- "postal_code": "01000",
- "neighborhood": "Buena Vista",
- "municipality": "Venustiano Carranza",
- "state": "Ciudad de México",
- "email": "",
- "al": "CDMX1"
}, - "fiscal_characteristics": {
- "rfc": "ABCD123456EFG",
- "regimes": [
- {
- "regime": "Régimen de Sueldos y Salarios e Ingresos Asimilados a Salarios",
- "start_date": "2023-01-01"
}, - "qr_found": true,
- "qr_valid": true,
- "valid_person_rfc": true,
- "status_person_rfc": "Valid"
Extract information from a NSS assignment document
Endpoint to extract information from a NSS assignment document
query Parameters
validate_curp | boolean (Validate Curp) Default: false |
Request Body schema: multipart/form-data
file required | string <binary> (File) |
Password (string) or Password (null) (Password) |
Response samples
- 200
- 422
- 500
{- "message": "NSS assignment OCR completed",
- "data": {
- "nss": "12345678901",
- "request_date": "2023-01-01",
- "folio": "1234567890",
- "name": "John Doe",
- "first_lastname": "Doe",
- "second_lastname": "Smith",
- "birthdate": "2023-01-01",
- "curp": "DOEJ850101HDFXXX01",
- "sex": "H",
- "state_of_birth": "Ciudad de México",
- "qr_found": true,
- "qr_valid": true,
- "valid_curp": true,
- "curp_response": {
- "curp": "PERJ900101HDFXXX01",
- "valid": true,
- "name": "JUAN",
- "first_last_name": "PÉREZ",
- "second_last_name": "GARCÍA",
- "birth_date": "1990-01-01",
- "gender": "H",
- "nationality": "MEX",
- "birth_federal_entity": "DF",
- "provatory_document": "Acta de Nacimiento"
Extract information from a passport document
Extract the information from a passport document and return it in a structured format.
Request Body schema: multipart/form-data
file required | string <binary> (File) |
Password (string) or Password (null) (Password) |
Response samples
- 200
- 422
- 500
{- "message": "Passport OCR completed",
- "data": {
- "type": "P",
- "number": "123456789",
- "nationality": "MEX",
- "expiration_date": "2023-12-31",
- "issuing_country": "MEX",
- "issuing_date": "2013-12-31",
- "birth_date": "1990-01-01",
- "birth_place": "MEX",
- "name": "Juan",
- "first_lastname": "Perez",
- "second_lastname": "Garcia",
- "gender": "M",
- "national_id": "123456789",
- "remarks": "Remarks"
Extract information from a FM2 document
Extract the information from a FM2 document and return it in a structured format.
Request Body schema: multipart/form-data
file required | string <binary> (File) |
Validate Curp (boolean) or Validate Curp (null) (Validate Curp) | |
Password (string) or Password (null) (Password) |
Response samples
- 200
- 422
- 500
{- "message": "FM2 OCR completed",
- "data": {
- "type": "VISITANTE",
- "number": "0000000000001",
- "name": "JOHN DOE",
- "first_lastname": "DOE",
- "second_lastname": "SMITH",
- "country": "USA",
- "birth_date": "2000-01-01",
- "gender": "M",
- "curp": "ABCD900101HXXXXX00",
- "expedition_date": "2022-01-01",
- "expiration_date": "2023-01-01"
Extract information from a carta libranza pdf
Endpoint to extract information from a carta libranza pdf
Request Body schema: multipart/form-data
file required | string <binary> (File) |
Password (string) or Password (null) (Password) | |
Pages (integer) or Pages (null) (Pages) Default: 1 |
Response samples
- 200
- 422
- 500
{- "message": "Carta Libranza OCR completed successfully",
- "data": {
- "business_email": "",
- "business_name": "TEST COMPANY",
- "business_folio": "ABCD123456EFG",
- "business_phone": "5555555555",
- "curp": "XXXX900101XXXXXX00",
- "date": "2023-01-01",
- "email": "",
- "first_name": "John",
- "first_lastname": "Doe",
- "second_lastname": "Smith",
- "loan_amount": "$ 1,000.00",
- "loan_amount_to_receive": "$ 1,000.00",
- "loan_cat_with_iva": "0.00 %",
- "loan_first_deduction_date": "2023-01-01",
- "loan_folio_validity_date": "2023-01-01",
- "loan_monthly_deduction": "$ 1,000.00",
- "loan_term": "12 months",
- "loan_total_amount_due": "$ 1,000.00",
- "loans_to_liquidate": [
- {
- "cat_with_iva": "0.00 %",
- "loan_amount": "$ 1,000.00",
- "monthly_deduction": "$ 1,000.00",
- "deductions_term": "12 months",
- "capital_balance": "$ 1,000.00",
- "total_amount_due": "$ 1,000.00",
- "entity_clabe": "123456789012345678",
- "fine_entity": "TEST COMPANY"
], - "mobile_number": "5555555555",
- "nss": "12345678901",
- "ooad": "CDMX",
- "promotor": "John Doe"